Facing down unconscious gender bias in the
workplace — one little thing at a time.

Meet the Sisters

About The Band of Sisters

We are six executive level women who have seen it all—from the bottom rung to the boardroom. We have operating experience across 20+ industries, from large corporations to small startups, in many male-dominated industries—and we bring unparalleled insight into inclusive leadership, work culture, and how to fight unconscious bias in the workplace.

“These sisters have the proven grit, influence and grace to change the game!”

Dr. Ella Bell, Author & Professor at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business


“For attracting and retaining talented women, this is your playbook.”

Indra Nooyi
Former Chairman, PepsiCo


In energetic and engaging panel-style discussions, The Band of Sisters lead conversations in organizations that want to take the next steps to eliminate the lingering effects of unconscious gender bias in the workplace.

You Should Smile More

From small indignities to unconscious slights, women experience situations at work every day that may seem small or unimportant but that effectively differentiate and exclude them. These are not #MeToo moments—they are micro-offenses; the small, awkward, or uncomfortable moments that slow-build until the unwelcome environment takes hold and makes women disengage. This is the definitive How-to Guide for Inclusive Leaders to dismantle unconscious gender bias in the workplace.