“There Are No Girls In The Workplace.”
The Must-Read Book for Dismantling Unconscious Bias
“In the business world, barriers to inclusion are barriers to success,” states a line from the introduction of this powerful unconscious bias book. “Diversity breeds better solutions faster if people feel comfortable in their environment.” From small indignities to unconscious slights, women experience situations at work every day that may seem small or unimportant. But these barriers erode confidence and build walls, one grain of sand at a time.
These are not #MeToo moments; they are micro-offenses; the small, awkward, or uncomfortable moments that slow-build until the unwelcome environment takes hold and makes women disengage. Tips range from “Don’t,” for women, when faced with doing “office housework”: “Wash your own coffee cup and leave the others. Get up and leave the luncheon conference room with the guys after the meeting lets out” to “Watch evaluations” for bosses, to ensure that the women in the office are being measured on the same scale as men.